Unifi dynamic DNS with Google Domains

To configure your Unifi Controller/UDM as a dynamic DNS client for Google Domains:

  1. Read the Google Domains Dynamic DNS article.

  2. Open your Unifi Controller/UDM’s web interface.

  3. In the search bar, search for “Dyn” and click on the “Add New Dynamic DNS” link.

  4. Enter the following:

    1. Interface: <your WAN interface here>

    2. Service: dyndns

    3. Hostname: <the FQDN to send dynamic DNS updates for>

    4. Username: <the auto-generated username from Google Domains>

    5. Password: <the auto-generated password from Google Domains>

  5. Click “Apply Changes”. The update typically fires off and is visible in Google Domains within a minute or two.

Building FoundationDB on macOS with Homebrew

In case you need to build FoundationDB on macOS without the upstream-provided Docker build container, here’s how to do it!

Note: These instructions assume that you have Homebrew installed under the default /usr/local path. Make sure to update the paths below if you’ve installed somewhere else.

# Install dependencies.
$ brew update && brew install python mono ninja boost openssl@1.1

# fdbuild will hold all of the ninja/cmake intermediate artifacts.
$ mkdir fdbuild && cd fdbuild

# Tip: You may want to checkout a release branch.
$ git clone git@github.com:apple/foundationdb.git

# This will generate the ninja/cmake configs your build.
# Tip: Make sure to check for errors/warnings!
$ Boost_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.72.0_3/include \
  OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1 \
  cmake \
    -DPython3_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.7/bin/python3.7 \
    -G Ninja \
# Build!
$ ninja

As per the Compiling from Source section of the FoundationDB README, this build is memory hungry! You may need to “ninja -j1” to reduce the overhead, at the expense of compile time.

Recordings + Slides from "Kubernetes at Reddit: Tales from Production" at KubeCon NA 2019

Following up on last year’s Kubernetes at Reddit: An Origin Story, I have presented the eagerly anticipated sequel at KubeCon NA 2019: Kubernetes at Reddit: Tales from Production. The 2018 talk covered the early results of Reddit’s Kubernetes migrations, plus some of our future aspirations. This year’s edition revisits the last year of our adoption story, what worked, what did not, as well as details on what is next.

If you’d like to see the talk, see the recordings and/or the slides.

Many thanks to all who attended the session!

Recordings + Slides from "Kubernetes at Reddit: An Origin Story" at KubeCon NA 2018

We were fortunate enough to be able to present some of what’s going on with Reddit’s Kubernetes adoption at KubeCon NA this year. Subject matter covered includes:

  • The motivations behind adopting Kubernetes.

  • The vision behind the things we are building on top of Kubernetes.

  • Some of the challenges we’ve faced in our journey.

  • How we’re using what we’ve built (and are building) to change how we develop, deploy, and operate software at Reddit.

If you are curious, see the recordings and/or the slides.