Greg Taylor

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nginx AWS ELB name resolution with resolvers

If you are running nginx as a proxy in front of An Amazon Web ServicesElastic Load Balancer (ELB), it is not safe to merely define an upstream using the hostname of ELB and call it a day. By default, nginx will only do name resolution at startup time, caching the resolved IP address infinitely.

ELB instances scale up and down based on your traffic levels, often changing IP addresses in the process. It seems to be that increased traffic leads to Amazon spawning a new, beefier ELB instance, then changing the DNS record to point at the new instance. It’ll keep the old ELB instance around for a little while to give you time to resolve the new one, but the old instance (using the old IP) will be retired after a short period of time. We need nginx to be able to periodically re-resolve the load balancer’s hostname so service interruptions aren’t encountered due to the IP address change.

The fix

Fortuantely, this one is really simple to remedy. You need only use the resolver config directive in your nginx config. By specifying a DNS server with the resolver directive from within nginx, you signify that it should check with said server every five minutes (by default) to see if the upstream ELB has changed IPs. This is done in a non-blocking manner, and should pose no real threat to your server’s throughput.

The other critical piece is that you must add a $request_uri to the end of whatever proxy_pass value you’ve specified. DNS caching will remain without this, meaning you are no better off. See the example below.


http {

   # Causes DNS resolution of upstreams every 5 minutes.


   server {



The resolver directive can be used in http, server, and location sections, so you can get as specific or as broad as you’d like.

The future fix

A later version of nginx will honor DNS TTLs, so look forward to that. I’ll try to remember to update this article when this lands.