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Django is able to run on a number of different web servers, databases,and operating systems. This flexibility lends itself to a lot of diversity within the community, but what kind of combinations are the most common?

The developers seem to suggest that Apache2 + mod_python + Postgresql seem to be the recommended setup, but undoubtedly there are lots of others. I’ve heard mentions of lighttpd, FastCGI, nginx running on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix/BSD, and others. There is even a useful page on the Django wiki with some of the arrangements along with instructions for each.

So I pose the question to you, what do you run on? What operating system, server, and database? If you’re feeling really ambitious, I’d be interested in hearing how your setup has worked for you.

As for this site, it’s hosted on Debian running Apache 2, mod_python, SQLite. For a simple, low traffic site like this, it has worked quite well.

Whoops! and the importance of Sites

For those reading along elsewhere, I apologize for the incorrect domainon the feed up until now. I forgot to set my Site’s domain within the admin interface, meaning everything syndicated pointed to example.com. This has been fixed and won’t be an issue in the future. Sorry for the additional spam.

To see the affected article (really, this time), Django and wxWidgets: A match made in heaven.

Django and wxWidgets: A match made in heaven

During the design phase for a color accuracy management system, mycompany decided to go with a client-server model rather than individual workstations that are more or less independent. The central server would be responsible for recording readings from the clients and doing various calculations on the data. We wanted most of the calculation to happen server-side in order to keep the clients very simple, and ease of communication from client to server was a point of emphasis.

Rather than develop a server product from scratch, we chose Django due to familiarity and being cross-platform/database-independent. On the client side, the GUI toolkit of choice was wxWidgets, as it runs well on a number of platforms and has unrestrictive licensing. It also helps that I had developed a few other applications using it.

With the underlying technologies for the client and server chosen, we needed a means for communication between the two. A number of XML and other serialized formats were looked at, but eventually JSON won out. Django includes simplejson, a Python JSON encoder/decoder. On the client side, the excellent wxJSON library fit into the mix very well.

A few weeks later, the decisions made thus far have more than paid off. I’ve developed a standard JSON message class that is implemented on both the client and server, mirroring one another. This “protocol” is used to quickly send data back and forth, and makes the source code on both sides very readable and compact.

Using Django to power the server product means that the whole system is easily managed from just about any browser, and the JSON message protocol I’ve developed may be used by customers to interact with the server from their own applications.

A lot of this is obvious stuff, but I figured I’d throw it out there for those that might be interested in a really great combination of technologies.

Site Re-Design

Under harassment from friends and a professor or two, I finallyre-designed my page. You will notice a new look, and some extra functionality floating around. The back-end is now Django instead of static HTML. This will allow me to make some of my tinkerings available for view on here.

Things will be in a state of flux for a while as I get the kinks worked out. If you notice any oddities, feel free to email me.

Site Source Available

I have made the source for the CMS/Blog that powers this site availableon Google Code in the hopes that someone out there will find it useful. It’s not very well commented at this time, but it’s fundamentally sound code and serves as a decent example of things. This is mostly to help make it easier for me to track revisions, but there’s no harm in GPL’ing it.

The source is located on the greg-cms Google Code project (creative name, yes?).