Fabric task for notifying New Relic of a code deploy

We’ve been doing some playing around with New Relic lately at Pathwright.One of the neat things it does is track when code deploys happen, and how they affect responsiveness and resource consumption.

In order to notify New Relic when a deploy happens, you simply POST to their web-based API with the information you’d like to include (change logs, commit hashes, etc).

We currently do this via a Fabric task, which I figured I’d share. We tend to run this from our deploy task. Enjoy!

import socket
import requests
from fabric.api import run, cd

def notify_newrelic_of_deploy(old_commit_hash):
    New Relic tracks deploy events. Send a notification via their HTTP API.

    :param str old_commit_hash: The previously deployed git hash. This is
        easily retrieved on a remote machine by running 'git rev-parse HEAD'.

    with cd(env.REMOTE_CODEBASE_PATH):
        new_commit_hash = run('git rev-parse HEAD')
        changes = run('git --no-pager log %s..HEAD' % old_commit_hash)

    headers = {
        # Adjust this to reflect your API key.
        'x-api-key': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    payload = {
        'deployment[app_name]': 'Your App Name',
        # This is also very important to update with your own value.
        'application_id': '1234567',
        'deployment[description]': 'Fabric deploy is fun deploy',
        'deployment[revision]': new_commit_hash,
        'deployment[changelog]': changes,
        'deployment[user]': '%s@%s' % (LOCAL_USERNAME, socket.gethostname()),

                  data=payload, headers=headers)

Ansible first impressions

After brief visits with Puppet and Chef for config management,I’ve set my sights on Ansible. It’s late and I’ve been staring at this stuff for way too long today, but here are some early observations:

  • I really like that it is written in Python. Puppet and Chef are great pieces of software, but I spend my days staring at Python. It’s nice not having to context switch away.
  • The documentation, while organized somewhat weirdly, is surprisingly thorough and helpful. I found myself much less frustrated and overwhelmed in comparison to my forays into Puppet and Chef.
  • It’s just SSH.
  • The playbook organization and format make a lot of sense to me. It feels a whole lot less complex than Chef in particular.

As far as negatives:

  • The documentation is very good but it could use some organizational tweaking. The related links at the bottom of some of the pages are very erratic and sometimes incomplete.
  • If you’re wanting to use Ansible as a Python API, the docs for this are pretty incomplete.

So far, Ansible looks very promising. I think this is going to be a great fit for us at Pathwright. Perhaps we’ll even have some time to contribute improved docs.

python-route53 feedback wanted

Late last night (or early this morning), I finished the draft ofpython-route53, a stand-alone Route 53 module with Python 3.x and Python 2.7 compatibility. Route 53 is an excellent DNS service offered by Amazon Web Services. It exposes everything through an API.

My intentions with python-route53 are two-fold:

  • There were no Python 3 compatible Route 53 modules that I knew of. I had a need for one.
  • I didn’t feel like any of the existing Route 53 modules were as simple and easy-to-use as they could be.

What I’d like to do is reach out and get some feedback on whether I have succeeded or not in both regards. I’d like to get a packaged release out later this week, but hoped to get some eyeballs on the documentation and the source before it lands on PyPi.

If you’d like to take a look, see the python-route53 documentation and the project at Github. Feel free to leave issues on the issue tracker with feedback, or tweet at me.

boto 2.2.2 has arrived

boto 2.2.2 was released this morning, comprised mostly of bug fixes.Of particular interest is the DynamoDB stabilization that has happened over the last few weeks, although a number of other minor bugs were fixed with the other services. For anyone currently running on older versions, we highly recommend upgrading to boto 2.2.2.

If you run into an problems, have questions, or would like to suggest something, hit #boto on FreeNode IRC, the issue tracker, or the mailing list.