A MUD behind a proxy is… potentially great
My perpetual tinker project is a MUD server that may or may not eversee the light of day. In recent adventures, I pursued using Exocet to make my goal of a mostly interruption-less experience for the players a reality. The attempt worked in most cases, but failed horribly in a few others. The failures were bad enough to make me scrap the idea. The next best thing I could think of is to stick a proxy server in front of the MUD server.
The proxy would handle all of the telnet protocol and session stuff, and just dumbly pipe input into the MUD server through Twisted’s AMP (a really neat, simple, 2-way protocol). When a user inputs something, the proxy says to MUD server “A session attached to an Object with an ID of “a20dl3da” input this. The MUD server would then have any object matches route the input through whatever command tables they are subscribed to, causing things to happen in-game.
Communication back to the proxy would happen whenever an an Object’s emit method (IE: print to any sessions controlling this object). The proxy would see if it had a session attached to the given object, and call the TelnetProtocol’s msg() method with the output.
Neat thing #1: Strictly enforced separation
Convention typically dictates that connection and protocol-level things be kept separate from business logic and other more interesting things. However, having separate proxy and MUD server sections of the codebase really enforces that separation in my mind.
Keeping session and protocol-level gunk confined to the proxy makes the MUD server easier to understand, maintain, and test. I find this layout a little easier to mentally digest.
The other cool thing in the future is that adding support for other protocols (websockets, anyone?) can be handled in the proxy, hooking the input/output into AMP commands. Protocols are already in their own island with Twisted, but this separation is much more strictly enforced under this arrangement (which again, I like). The MUD server can speak in a protocol-agnostic format like Markdown or BBcode, and the protocols can format the output for whatever they are serving.
Neat thing #2: Neither proxy nor MUD server care if the other dies
Consider the following two scenarios:
MUD server dies, proxy stays up.
The proxy accepts connections, but all input is left with an error message telling the user to stay put until the MUD comes back up. All sessions are maintained, and Twisted’s auto-reconnection facilities continuously tries to get back in touch with the MUD. When it does come back up, business continues as usual without interruption. The MUD server doesn’t care about sessions, and the proxy doesn’t care about in-game objects, rooms, and etc.
The proxy goes down, but the MUD server stays up.
This one isn’t quite as neat. In theory, this scenario should be extremely rare. If the proxy goes down, the user is unable to connect to the running game. They’ll need to re-connect once the proxy comes back up. However, the MUD server continues about its business in the meantime, so mobs are moving, the economy is ticking, etc. Once the proxy is back, it re-connects and players can interact with the game world again.
Neat thing #3: We don’t need to bother with code re-loading
The last, and most important, neat thing is that because of neat things #1 and #2, we don’t need to implement code re-loading. If both proxy and MUD server are monitored/auto-restarted by something like Supervisor, the latest version of the game code can be loaded by silently shutting down the MUD server (but leaving the proxy up). Supervisor (or runit, or launchctl, or whatever) sees the server process down, restarts it, and the proxy automatically re-connects as soon as it’s back up.
The end result is that the user may get an error or two if they’re trying to type stuff while the server is down, but the outage should be short and potentially completely unnoticed by some of the players. We don’t need to worry about all of the messyness associated with code reloading, and we can keep the MUD server focused on game logic.
Code to come
I’ve got a proof-of-concept for this arrangement “working”, but it’ll be some time before I am able to restore the existing features of the MUD server to work with the new proxy + MUD server model. I’ll continue to write posts about progress as it happens.